Hike for Hospice raises record amount with more money to come | BayToday

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Hike for Hospice raises record amount with more money to come | BayToday

October 11, 2024

Nipissing Serenity Hospice has plenty to be thankful for this Thanksgiving weekend, as people once again laced up their shoes for its annual Hike for Hospice fundraiser and barbecue.

The goal this year was $75,000, and thanks to the many donors, sponsors, and volunteers, it surpassed its fundraising target.

“We were working hard to get to that goal, and things just exploded, and at my last check going into today’s hike, we’re almost at $103 thousand,” stated executive director Gil Pharand.

“The most we ever raised from Hike was $80 thousand and that was in 2018. It is quite amazing. Since opening our doors in 2020, we have served more than 450 residents, their caregivers, and families.”


Read the full article by clicking here.

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Nipissing Serenity Hospice
799 John Street
North Bay, ON
P1B 8T2

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Email: info@nipissingserenityhospice.ca
Telephone: 705-995-3377
Fax: 705-995-3350
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