Referrals & Admissions

Referral Process

Nipissing Serenity Hospice receives all referrals through Home and Community Care Support Services (HCCSS) via their Palliative Care Coordinators.  Palliative Care Coodinators will liase with your physician and other members of your care team to assess eligibility to hospice for end-of-life care.  Once deemed eligible, your Palliative Care Coordinator will submit an application for acceptance for admission to hospice, pending bed availability and eligibility for placement.

Eligibility requirements include:

  • Resident must reside or have family that reside in the NE LHIN catchment area
  • A life expectancy of less than 3 months
  • Palliative Performance Score (PPS) of 30% or less
  • Must be an active client of the NE LHIN Home and Community Care and have a valid Ontario Health Card
  • Must have a Do Not Resuscitate Certificate (DNRC) in place

Admission Process

When an individual is deemed eligible for placement to Nipissing Serenity Hospice, a bed offer is communicated to both the individual's Palliative Care Coordinator as well as their family physician and arrangements are finalized for transportation and admission based upon current bed availability.  Should a bed not be available at that time, the pending resident will be placed on a waitlist for placement. 

Upon admission, our Care Team will oversee all medication administration and pain and symptom management as directed by your physician.  You are welcome to bring any personal items from home that will contribute to you being more comfortable in your room including, but not limited to:

  • Personal clothing items, pajamas, slippers, socks, etc
  • Family photos, albums, heirlooms 
  • Creams, lotions, or hygiene items that you prefer *please note we are a scent free environment

Housekeeping of the building and all resident rooms will be completed daily by NSH staff.  Nipissing Serenity Hospice also provides and launders all linens, towels, and resident clothing on site.  Residents are welcome to bring their own personal clothing items, however, we are not responsible for any lost or damaged items during washing.

It is strongly encouraged to have valuable items (purse, wallet, computer, jewellery, etc) taken home as NSH will not be responsible for the loss of such items.

Contact Us

Mailing address

Nipissing Serenity Hospice
799 John Street
North Bay, ON
P1B 8T2

General Inquiries

Telephone: 705-995-3377
Fax: 705-995-3350
Clinical Fax: 705-995-3351