Our Supporters

We are honoured to thank our generous donors with lifetime giving greater than $5,000 for the period ending December 31, 2023. Note that this list will be updated annually.

Our Donor Wall


George & Lynne Stockfish & Family
Tim Hortons Smile Cookie Campaign
Stefan Thomsen

$100,000 - $249,999

Dr. René & Mathilde Bazinet
J.P. Bickell Foundation
The City of North Bay
Patty & Victor Fedeli
L'Alliance des Caisses populaires de l'Ontario limitée
The Estate of Micheline G. Lafond
Terry McKerrow CAT Scan Operating Fund
Pace Family Foundation
The Redpath Group
SRP Building Products

$50,000 - $99,999

Bishop Alexander Carter Foundation
Bank of Montreal
The Co-operators & Mike Johnson & Family
Dr. Jon & Lyne Dellandrea
Knights of Columbus Councils (1007, 6664, 8163, 11584, 12030, 12106)
Bruce & Marisa Knox
Dr. Dominic Krzeczunowicz & Dr. Emily Kirby
Parker's Your Independent Grocer
Pioneer Construction
Dr. Gordon & Inez Ross
Rotary Clubs of North Bay & Nipissing
TD Bank

$25,000 - $49,999

In memory of Michael Andrews
Harold E. Ballard Foundation
Maria Battigaglia & Family
Jim & Judy Bruce
Carmine & Carolyn Canarino & Family
Dancey Electric
In memory of Harvey Eakins
Drs. Ian & Lisa Fettes
Investors Group
Joseph & Gale Jolie
Dennis King
Larocque Elder Architects
James Mason
Allan & Wendy McDonald
Nipissing First Nation
Northern Honda Auto
The Estate of Vivian E. Pentland
In memory of Marvel "Helen" Potts
The Radcliffe Foundation
Rebuilt Resources Skills Development Inc.
RME Capital Corp.
The Estate of Joyce N. Robinson
Bernard Rochefort Family
The "Trileys" - Dr. Sheryl Riley & Dr. James Truong & Family
United Way North East Ontario

$10,000 - $24,999

Dr. Julius & Bimpe Agboola
Dr. Shakeela Ahmed
Beauchamp Foundation
Marie Boell
Marilyn Boland "In Memory of Larry Boland"
Dr. Klere Bourgault
Paulette Breault
Canadore College
In Memory of Hélène Cloutier
Complete Landscaping
Don & Nora Coutts
S&R Cunningham Fund
CUPE Local 139
Davedi Club
The Estate of Lucien P. Delean
Dr. Melissa Dent
Designed Roofing & Essential Exteriors
Paulette & Robert Dessureau
Allan Dougall & Elena Kolb
Dyno Nobel Canada Inc.
Gerald & Sandra Foster
Gregory Godin
Dr. Wendy & JS Alexander Graham
Karen & Bernie Graham
Dr. Mary Grise & Mr. Chris Mogan
Dr. A.P. Guderian
Guy Dentistry Professional Corporation
Peter Harach
Diane & John C. Hopper
Cameron & Florence Hunter
Pamela & Micheal Jackson
Dr. Rod Johnston, Dentist
Kenalex Construction Company
Tom Killoran
Kindred Foundation
Lukomska Medicine Professional Corp.
Dr. Joseph K. Madden
Jim & Cathy Marmino
Yvette Martin
Martyn Funeral Home
The McCartney/Darling Family
Denise Nadon
North Bay Lions Club
North Bay Toyota & Group (For Aldo & Amelia Canarino)
Northern Credit Union
Northern Brick and Tile
OCP Construction Supplies Inc.
Cassandra Parker
Retired Teachers of Ontario
The Rota Family
Royal Bank of Canada
Scott Shulman
In memory of Pauline Séguin
Dr. Ravinder Singh
Marthe Smith
Jon & Donna Spencer
Heather & Don Stemp
Terrace Management
Helen Truskoski
E.D. Vaughan Medicine Professional Corporation
The Estate of Shirley Yearington

$5,000 - $9,999

1588542 Ontario Limited
Dr. John Andrews
BJ Arrowsmith
Aviva Community Fund
BDO Canada LLP
Glenda Beilhartz
Alice Boissonneault
Nicole Boucher
Therese S. Brown
Norma Brousseau
Campigotto Consulting Inc.
The Canadian Royal Purple Society
Carolyn Cangiano
Steve & Laura Carmichael
Louise Chivers
Tracy Christianson
Dr. Cheryl Clayton
Club Richelieu de North Bay
COBS Bakery North Bay
Dean Decaire
Degagne Group of Companies
Dr. David Dellandrea
Harry Eisses
Patricia & David Euler
Francine Foisy
Hillside Funeral Home
Barbara R. Hobbs
Dr. John & Sharon Holmes
Betty Hotchkin
IODE Manitou Chapter
IODE Dr. Herbert A. Bruce Chapter
John Johnson
Leona M. Kervin
Shelley King
Knight Piésold
Knights of Columbus, Council 8940
Knox Callander United Church
Dr. Bernard Lacroix
Mike Lalonde Memorial Slo-Pitch Tournament
The Estate of Laurent Laplante
Viviane Lepage
Lions Club of Widdifield
Ernest Loukedelis
Robert Lucenti, Sandro Orlando, Mark Lucenti & Ryan Leckie
George Lunan Foundation
Dr. Mah & Family
The Estate of Therese Meeking
Karen Morris
Denise Nadon
Nipissing Orthopedic Laboratory Inc.
North Bay & Area Community Foundation
Northern Shores Pharmacy in Memory of Anna Doupe
Dr. Idowu Oyeniran
Palladino Auto Group
Irene Pelletier
Lise Perrier
George Popp, Christian Popp & Marcus Popp
Ann Potts
Dr. Navin Prinja
Dr. Rebecca Rappaport
The Estate of Mary Recoskie
Maureen Richards
Jean Rideout
Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 23
The Estate of Carol Shantz
Joseph Sinicrope
Sisters of St. Joseph of Sault Ste. Marie
Peggy Smith
Richard & Anne Smith
Monique Smith
Dr. Solomon Sogbein
Speedy Auto Service
Dorothy Storie
Stradwicks Carpet One
Sun Life
Marc Tessier
Russell Thompson
Ted Thomson
Yolande Turgeon
Madeleine Vachon
J Vigars Med Prof Corp.
Wallace Klein Partners in Law LLP
Kathy Wilkinson
Linda Wilson
Bob Wood
Marlene Wood


Contact Us

Mailing address

Nipissing Serenity Hospice
799 John Street
North Bay, ON
P1B 8T2

General Inquiries

Email: info@nipissingserenityhospice.ca
Telephone: 705-995-3377
Fax: 705-995-3350
Clinical Fax: 705-995-3351