Ways to Give

Donations allow the hospice to focus on providing the care to our loved ones through their last days, and to support the family members that surround them. There are so many different ways to give - see below how you can help.

Ways to Give

Make a One-Time Gift

Make a One-Time Gift

Donations go directly towards our facility operations, supplies for residents, and providing additional and ongoing support for their loved ones.

Go to One-Time Gifts →

Become a Monthly Donor

Become a Monthly Donor

Donating monthly and annually helps us ensure we can sustainably provide quality, compassionate end-of-life care and grief and bereavement supports.

Go to Monthly/Annual Giving →

Make a Tribute Gift

Make a Tribute Gift

Donate in memory or in honour of your family, friend, loved one or colleague, or even to celebrate an important occasion.

Go to In Memory/In Honour Donations →

Donate Securities

Donate Securities

Donate securities or mutual funds which ensure that capital gains taxes don’t apply, and our charity receives the full fair market value when the security is sold. 

Go to Gift of Securities →

In-Kind Donations

In-Kind Donations

See what kind of items we need for use in the facility or donate items to benefit a fundraiser.

Go to Wishlist →

Leave a Gift in Your Will

Leave a Gift in Your Will

Leave a gift in your will to make a meaningful difference in providing exceptional palliative end-of-life care.

Go to Legacy Gifts

Kitchen Fundraisers

Kitchen Fundraisers

Enjoy a taste of the NSH kitchen! Funds raised go directly back into the operation of our kitchen.

Visit Kitchen Fundraisers →

Host a Fundraiser

Host a Fundraiser

Fundraise for us for your next birthday, holiday party, personal challenge, event, or for any or no reason at all!

Go to Fundraisers →

Event Sponsorship

Event Sponsorship

Help support our fundraising efforts by sponsoring one of our upcoming events!

Go to Event Sponsorship →

Support our Events

Support our Events

See what kind of fundraising events are happening in and around our community that support our services.

Go to Events →

Corporate Giving

Corporate Giving

Find out how your business or your employer can give back to their community.

Go to Corporate Giving →

Serenity Gardens

Serenity Gardens

Plant a tree or buy something for our gardens in memory of a loved one.

Go to Serenity Gardens →

Nipissing Serenity Hospice is a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency (BN#80541 9009 RR0001). All donations valued at $20 or more will receive a receipt for income tax purposes.


Please note: If you wish for a card to be sent to the family, but are unsure of their address, please pick no dedication located at the bottom of the form under "Dedication Information". Once the donation is completed, please give our office a call at 705-995-3377 to update us on who the card is for, as we might have their address on file. Unfortunately, if you do not know the address and we do not have it on file, no notification will be sent. Thank you for your understanding *

Contact Us

Mailing address

Nipissing Serenity Hospice
799 John Street
North Bay, ON
P1B 8T2

General Inquiries

Email: info@nipissingserenityhospice.ca
Telephone: 705-995-3377
Fax: 705-995-3350
Clinical Fax: 705-995-3351